Duncan Cran Code of Conduct

Please see our current code of conduct at https://duncan.prn.bc.ca/our-school/code-of-conduct/

Code of Conduct






Duncan Cran Elementary School

Duncan Cran School is a safe, positive, respectful learning environment where students and staff are confident, academically successful, respectful, responsible, emotionally secure and safe.The school promotes the values expressed in BC Human Rights code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law. The school will treat seriously, behaviour or communication that discriminates based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation or age.


The Code of Conduct is taught to all students.  Throughout the year, the Code of Conduct is reviewed at staff meetings and targeted behaviors are re-taught to the students.


The School Based Team’s role is to support students, teachers, and parents by helping develop plans for students who are chronically having difficulty following the classroom and school expectations. To provide a structured problem-solving process that will ensure effective intervention practices are implemented for each student or ‘issue’ brought to the team.



This is what it looks like:

Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Classroom¨  Use appropriate voice level, tone, and words

¨  Follow the requests of the teacher

¨  Be kind

¨  Be helpful

¨  Make good choices

¨  Arrive on time

¨  Have all material ready

¨  Give your best effort

¨  Complete all assignments

¨  Clean up after yourself

¨  Keep hands and feet to yourself

¨  If you are having a problem tell an adult

Gym¨  Show good sportsmanship

¨  Include other children in games

¨  Follow the requests of the teacher/coach

¨  Use equipment how it was meant to be used

¨  Make good choices

¨  Clean up after yourself

¨  An adult must be in the gym before you enter

¨  Act safely

¨  If you are having a problem let an adult know

Computer usage – either in computer lab or on Ibooks, laptops, etc…¨  Use technology only as intended – for assignments, projects and work.

¨  DO NOT engage in cyber bullying, chatting on-line,

¨  Keep good care of the equipment, keep food and drink away from it

¨  Only visit teacher/ school district approved websites

¨  Do not leave equipment unattended- always log out when away or finished with computer

¨  Report any problems to teacher immediately

¨  If you encounter cyber bulling – report it to a teacher immediately

¨  If anyone tries to contact you online, report it immediately

¨  Use technology only for intended purposes

Library¨  Use quiet voices

¨  Have permission to use the library

¨  Follow the requests of the teacher

¨  Handle books with care and clean hands

¨  Clean up after yourself

¨  Use shelf makers and return to slot

¨  Return books on time

¨  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

¨  If you are having a problem let an adult know

Hallways¨  Walk quietly on the left side

¨  Use appropriate voice level, tone, and words

¨  Follow the requests of an adult

¨  When walking in the hallway, leave a clear path

¨  Leave Hallways clean and clear¨  Keep your hands and feet to yourself

¨  If you are having a problem let an adult know

Washroom¨  Respect the privacy of others¨  If there is a problem, let an adult know

¨  Clean up after yourself

¨  Use the washrooms at appropriate times

¨  Wash your hands
Playground¨  Use appropriate words

¨  Include other children in games

¨  Treat other children how you would like to be treated

¨  Follow the requests of the supervisors

¨  Use the equipment as it was meant to be used

¨  Return equipment to the proper spot after recess and lunch

¨  Lock bikes at the bike racks

¨  Keep hands and feet to yourself

¨  If you are having a problem tell an adult

¨  Walk your bike on the school grounds

To/From School¨  Use appropriate words

¨  Be kind

¨  Be helpful

¨  Make good choices

¨  Treat other people how you want to be treated

¨  Keep hands and feet to yourself

¨  Follow road and bike safety

¨  Go directly home after school

Sports Teams /

Field Trips

¨  Respect the opponents and the officials

¨  Follow the request of the coach

¨  Be a good listener

¨  Treat other students how you would want to be treated

¨  Make good choices

¨  Give your best effort

¨  Clean up after yourself

¨  Follow the rules

¨  Let the coach/teacher know if you are leaving them

¨  Keep your hands and feet to yourself


UNACCEPTABLE CONDUCT: Any conduct that is harmful to self; makes another person fell unsafe either physically, or emotionally; or interferes with the learning environment.  For example:

        Behavior that:

   interferes with the learning of others

   interferes with an orderly environment

   creates unsafe conditions

        acts of:

   bullying, harassment intimidation

   physical violence

        illegal acts, such as:

                    –  possession use or distribution of illegal substances

                    –  possession or use of weapons

                    – theft of or damage to property  

School-wide System:

  •      The classroom teacher should deal with minor problems. Major problems should be referred to the office.  If a teacher feels that the problem is continuing with the student it is important to call the parent first.  If problems persist refer to office.
  •      Classroom teacher should keep minor referrals in a file and record the contact time and date with parents.



The classroom teacher files all minor infractions.  Contact parent if behaviour is a regular occurrence.

All majors may require administrative decision and parent contact

MINORBehaviors that do not require administrator involvement, do not significantly violate rights of others, do no put others at risk or harm or are not chronic.Inappropriate Language

Physical contact



Property misuse

Speak with the student about incident.

Describe the expected behavior

Complete minor incident slip

Re-teach the appropriate school wide behavioral expectation

If the incident is a re-occurring problem, inform the parents. If it continues after parents have been contacted, proceed as a major rule violation and develop a pre-corrective intervention

MAJORBehaviors that require administrator involvement, significantly violate rights of others at risk of harm, or are chronic.Abusive Language

Fighting/Physical Aggression

Defiance, disrespect, insubordination




Speak with the student about the incident.

Describe the expected behavior.

Complete major incident slip.

Take the student to the office or send a runner for the administrator immediately.

Review the specific events

Determine the appropriate consequences

Develop plan for completing the consequences

Administrator will inform the parent.

Develop pre-corrective intervention

School based team will help develop strategies to support the child.

DISTRICTBehaviors that require district staff support because the behavior presents a safety risk to self or others; or is continually interfering with the learning environmentPhysical injury to others

Threatening the safety of others or self

Total noncompliance with the adults

Continual disruption of the learning environment.

Speak with the student about the incident.

Administrators will review the specific events

Determine the appropriate consequences

Inform the parent

School based team will review case and develop examine strategies to support the student

A Team based meeting will be held

If unable to support at the school level then the child will be referred to the District conduct committee.

What programs/practices are being used to address safe schools/create positive school and classroom environments?

  •     We have been developing and implementing a School wide behavior model.
  •     We have been focusing on positive behaviors
  •     We have been trying to be proactive
  •     Engaging the students in programs at recess and lunch
  •     Focusing on attaching at risk students with one adult in the school
  •     We have team based meetings to review our data and develop plans to support students
  •     This committee has implements “Save One Student” program.

Evidence of effectiveness:

  •   Office referrals are down
  •   At risk students are being more successful in their classrooms and are causing fewer problems in the school
  •   Students are more respectful

Parental and Community Involvement:

  •      We work closely with Children’s Mental Health, the Ministry of Children of Families, and North Peace Community Resources
  •      Parents have helped us develop our Code of Conduct
  •      Ongoing meetings with individual parents to form a partnership to support their child
  • Discussions at PAC meetings

Digital Citizenship

  •   With the explosion of use of technology over the last decade, a whole new set of expectations and skills are introduced to students; that we as parents never had when we went to school. Below is a synopsis of the 9 elements of Digital technology, as reported in wiki –


The Nine elements of Digital Citizenship[edit]

1   Digital Access: This is perhaps one of the most fundamental blocks to being a digital citizen. However, due to socioeconomic status, location, and other disabilities- some individuals may not have digital access. Recently, schools have been becoming more connected with the Internet, often offering computers, and other forms of access. This can be offered through kiosks, community centers, and open labs. This most often is associated with the digital divide and factors associated with such. [18]

2   Digital Commerce: This is the ability for users to recognize that much of the economy is regulated online. It also deals with the understanding of the dangers and benefits of online buying, using credit cards online, and so forth. As with the advantages and legal activities- there is also dangerous activities such as illegal downloads, gambling, drug deals, pornography, plagiarism, and so forth.

3   Digital Communication: This element deals with understanding the variety of online communication mediums such as email, instant messaging, Facebook messenger, the variety of apps, and so forth. There is a standard of etiquette associated with each medium.

4   Digital Literacy: This deals with the understanding of how to use various digital devices. For example, how to properly search for something on a search engine versus a database. How to use various online logs. Oftentimes many educational institutions will help form an individual’s digital literacy.

5   Digital Etiquette: As discussed in the third element, digital communication, this is the expectation that various mediums require a variety of etiquette. Certain mediums demand more appropriate behavior and language than others.

6   Digital Law: This is where enforcement occurs for illegal downloads, plagiarizing, hacking, creating viruses, sending spams, identity theft, cyber bullying, and so forth.

7   Digital Rights and Responsibilities: This is the set of rights digital citizens have such as privacy, speech, and so forth.

8   Digital Health: Digital citizens must be aware of the physical stress placed on their bodies by Internet usage. They must be aware to not become overly dependent on the Internet causing eyestrain, headaches, stress problems, and so on.

9   Digital Security: This simply means that citizens must take measures to be safe by practicing using difficult passwords, virus protection, backing up data, and so forth. [19]

NOTE:  Please keep in mind that both parents/guardians and students must sign computer user agreements (see links to agreement contracts) before students have access to computer technology at school and any breech of the contract may result in partial or complete loss of computer privilege