Category: Uncategorized
Meal Program Orders are due tomorrow – No late orders accepted
Booster Juice Order forms for January Due Monday Dec 17
School Lunch Program Orders for January Due Friday Dec 14
Kindness Assembly Friday 11:00am
Hot Lunch Orders for January due Friday
Christmas Concert Invite
Toonie Drive 2018
Festive Friday
Friday December 7 we will be having a Festive Friday. Students are asked to dress in something festive and the class with the most “festiveness” gets a prize. The event is being hosted by our student leadership class.Â
Dec.Early DIsmissal Days and Non-Instructional Day
Please remember that Wednesday November 28 and Thursday November 29 at early dismissal days. Students will be dismissed 1 hour early at 1:43pm.
Friday November 30 is a non-instructional day that is held for parent teacher meetings.