• Important things in March…

    Hi Parents/Guardians:
    Just a couple of things to pass along…

    Term 2 report cards go home on March 11.
    Early dismissal days are March 12 and 13, students are dismissed at 1:41 both days.
    Parents are encouraged to contact their teacher to set up parent/teacher interviews on the early dismissal afternoons.

  • FSA information

    For Parents wishing to read more about Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA), please click on the FSA link!


    With last night’s windstorm, we were faced with a power outage at Duncan Cran on Wednesday, January 15th. I called BC Hydro and their representative said that power should be back on this evening (January 15).

  • January PAC meeting!

    Welcome back everyone!!! Just a reminder that our next PAC meeting at Duncan Cran is Tuesday, January 14th, at 7pm in the library. Baby sitting is provided!
    See you there!
    Brent Ranger,

  • Mingle Jingle!!!!

    On Tuesday, December 17th from 6-7:30 pm Duncan Cran will be hosting a Mingle Jingle night. Mingle Jingle night is a chance for you to come to school with your child for some Christmas fun. There will be Christmas games or activities in the different classrooms.

  • Duncan Cran Win Volley Ball Tournament

    Mr. Read led the grade 5/6 girls Duncan Cran Volley ball team to a victory, last week. The girls played very well all season and ended up in 1st place at the district volley ball tournament.

  • Student Absences!!!

    Today (December 2nd) there are 118 students absent from school.  PLEASE call in if your child is going to be away.  The secretary was on the phone for over 2 hours calling to make sure your child was safe at home!

  • Duncan Cran Lock down!

    November 26, 2013
    RE:  Lockdown practices
    Dear Parents,
    I am writing to let you know that Duncan Cran Elementary School has been invited to work with School District administration to develop a procedure to practice what is known as a “Lockdown”.

  • November News Letter

    November 5, 2012
    Remembrance Day Assembly:
    There will be a Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, November 8th, 2012 in the gymnasium at 10:45am. Parents are welcome to attend.
    Report Cards:
    First term report cards will go home to students on Tuesday,