Procedures for first day back at Duncan Cran

Welcome back everyone!!!!

The first day back to school is Tuesday, September 3rd. The morning bell goes at 8:45 and students will be going to their last year’s teacher. New students will check at the office. At 8:50 students will go to their previous year’s teacher and at 9:00am they will go to our Monday morning assembly in the gym. Students will be dismissed at 10:50am for the day. The first day is only 2 hours.

On Wednesday, September 4th, students will go to their last year’s teacher just for the first half hour, where they will go to the gym and be assigned to their new classes. Wednesday is a full day, and dismissal is at 2:41pm.

Our regular bell schedule is as follows:

Duncan Cran Bell Schedule 2013/14:

8:45Warning Bell
8:50Class Begins
10:20Recess Begins
10:35Recess Ends
12:05Lunch Begins – All students go outside to play
12:25All students eat lunch
12:45Lunch Ends
12:50Class begins
Total Min/ day291

Please call the school at (250) 787-0417  if you have any questions!