School Supplies

School Supplies lists for individual classes will be handed out once students are put into specific classes during the first week of school.

Until that time there is a short list of supplies that all teachers have agreed to so that you are able to purchase some in advance.

The school will provide each student with the following paper on Wednesday September 5:

  • in Grade 1-2 with 1 interlined book and one blank book.
  • in Grade 3- 1 Full Lined book
  • lined paper for Grade 4-6 on the first day.


Teachers will be sending a full list of supplies once they have their classes set the first week of September.

Items that all students in Grade 1-6 at Duncran Cran will need:

  • 1 box of pencils
  • 1 blue, 1 red pen (Grade 3-6 only)
  • 1 boxes of kleenex
  • 1 glue stick
  • 1 eraser
  • Pencil box
  • Inside running shoes
  • Back pack
  • Lunch kit
  • Water bottle