• Remembrance Day Ceremony TIME CHANGE

    We have had to change our Remembrance Day Ceremony start time to 10:00am.
    The ELC Students that are doing the presentation need to be back at the ELC so we will start at 10:00am. Recess will follow the ceremony.

  • Remembrance Day Closure Monday Nov 13

    The school will be closed for Monday November 13.
    With Remembrance Day being on Saturday, the Stat Holiday is pushed to Monday for schools.

  • Framework for Enhanced Student Learning 2018-2019

    The framework for Enhanced Student Learning is a Document that will continue to have Data added to it over time. Please see our Framework Goals below. 
    Goal 1: Social Responsibility
    Throughout grades 1-6, students will identify and understand what Self Regulation is and will be able to readily utilize these self-regulation strategies.

  • Halloween Parade today at 1pm

    There will be a Halloween Parade at 1:00pm.
    Please feel free to come on out and check out the costumes. 

  • November PAC Meeting

    The November PAC meeting will be Wednesday November 8 @ 6:00pm. 
    Child care will be provided.

  • No School Tomorrow- NID

    Friday October 20 is a Non-Instructional Day.
    There is no school for the students. We will see them again Monday!

  • Exploration Club starts Monday October 23

    The Duncan Cran Exploration Club will meet on Mondays from 3:00-4:15 in the Multipurpose Room at Duncan Cran School. It is designed for students to be able to explore the modern world of hands on technology from 3D Printing,

  • Fire Prevention Assemble Friday Oct 13 @ 1pm

    National Fire Prevention Week Oct 8-14

    Duncan Cran will be welcoming the Fort St John Fire Department on Friday October 13 at 1pm for a Fire Prevention Assembly and very possibly a Fire Drill to follow.