Toonies for Terry

Thank you to all the students, staff and parents that joined us today for the Terry Fox Run. It was a great time.
We are now going to have a Toonies for Terry Campaign to help raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation until Friday September 29.

PAC Members Wanted

The Duncan Cran PAC is looking for new parents to join them as they continue to provide excellent opportunities for students in our school. The PAC meets once a month.
There will be a table at the OPEN HOUSE that PAC will be at.

Orange T-shirt Day

Orange shirt day is a movement that officially began in 2013 but in reality it began in 1973 when six year old Phyllis Webstad entered the St. Joseph Mission Residential School, outside of Williams Lake, BC.

Earth Rangers were a Success!!!!

The students had a wonderful time at the Earth Rangers Presentation on Wednesday. Here is a video and a few pictures from that event.

ARC Resources Ltd. Donates to Duncan Cran Breakfast Program

Thank you very much ARC Resources Ltd. Your generosity will help many students have food available to them throughout the year. 

Mrs. Sawchuk, Katelyn, Ariel and Mr Peet accept a generous donation from Lisa Babuick from ARC Resources Ltd.

Fire Drill Practice TODAY at 12:45pm

Just a friendly heads up to parents that we will be having a PRACTICE fire drill evacuation at 12:45pm today (Thursday September 14)
We will be calling the Police and Fire departments to notify that it is a practice so if you hear a fire alarm at the school please do not report it.Â